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Denzel Perryman late to appear in Chargers loss

The Chargers were winning the game late in the third quarter, trying to chase down the league’s best third-string quarterback in Taysom Hill as he rallied the offense. On one of Hill’s runs, the mobile quarterback evaded multiple defenders; suddenly, a number flashes on screen: 52. Denzel Perryman was playing late into this game, something fans certainly didn’t expect to see.

Perryman signed a two-year extension this offseason, a roughly six million dollar per year deal considered to be low-risk for the stout but not exactly durable linebacker. The Chargers went and drafted Drue Tranquill with their fourth-round selection, and it appeared as if the depth chart would be as follows:

  1. Denzel Perryman
  2. Nick Dzubnar
  3. Drue Tranquill
  4. Kyle Wilson

For the record, that’s the current depth chart standing on the Chargers’ main website.