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Chargers Top 30 Visits Update: Does It Matter?

Related Topics: Chargers, Brentley Weissman

Various players have revealed that they’ve scheduled “Top 30” visits with the Los Angeles Chargers, a part of the pre-draft process that isn’t entirely well understood. These visits are an opportunity for teams to conduct interviews and medical examinations. They also might conduct workout testing, so long as they do not provide transportation to the facility or lodging in the city.

The rules can get pretty esoteric, but they are somewhat important when trying to divine the intentions of any particular team in the draft. One thing that people sometimes forget is that teams will host more than 30 players on their “top 30” visits — a misnomer because teams will often invite players projected to go in all seven rounds of the draft and often include undrafted players — because of the local visit exception.