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Zack Cozart has a donkey to feed, so he needs to succeed at third base

"Here," he said, displaying with pride the image on the screen. "That's my donkey right there."

This story blew up like a juicy trade rumor last summer, Cozart's teammate in Cincinnati, Joey Votto, promising the then-Reds shortstop the gift of a donkey if he — Cozart, not the donkey — made the All-Star team.

"The whole thing was in fun and pretty ridiculous," Cozart said. "Come to think of it, it still is."

Then Reds shortstop Zack Cozart pets Amos, brought to the ballpark last season as a stand-in for the Donald, the donkey he received as a reward for making the All-Star game.
Then Reds shortstop Zack Cozart pets Amos, brought to the ballpark last season as a stand-in for the Donald, the donkey he received as a reward for making the All-Star game.