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Thor’sLinks: Ground Crew Breaks Out Brooms Before Twins Can

Am I the only one who notices this?

Every year, with just a couple of weeks before the start of play in Angel Stadium (the final pre-season series with the Dodgers), the entire field area is completely covered in mountains of dirt, soaked to mud by winter rains, and pummeled by monster trucks, racing machines, motorcycles, etc. And then in just days the entire mess is cleared away, and the baseball field is laid down fresh, leveled, watered, mowed and made ready for baseball.

They can do all that. And yet, 20 minutes of rain that would be considered merely moderate to people in most every other part of the country, which falls on that now-pristine field at a time that gives the stadium crew 3 hours to deal with it, ends up leaving that same playing surface unusable.