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Rally Cat interrupted tonight's Angels game and it's probably the highlight of the season

Related Topics: Rally Monkey, Inning

Tonight during the bottom of the fourth inning, a magical thing happened; one of those amazing moments in life that you'll always tell your great grandchildren about as they stare in awe and disbelief. If there is any hope in this doomed season, then it will be that this moment will turn into a tidal wave of good vibes and mojo that the Rally Monkey once wielded in those early 2000s salad days. I'm talking about The Rally Cat.

With the score 3-3 and two men on, time was called on the field for some unknown reason...but we'd know soon enough that it was because a ferocious feline appeared on the Angels' infield grass and proceeded to run wild across the diamond to the delight of all the fans in attendance.