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Leroy Stanton & his amazing identical splits

The Effectively Wild podcast at FanGraphs is one of my favorite listens, always informative and interesting about various aspects of baseball. One of their recurring segments, the Statblast (or is it “Stat Blast”?), digs deep into often obscure statistics.

On Thursday’s episode, the Statblast blew my mind.

Leroy Stanton was an outfielder who played five of his nine major league seasons in the 1970s with the Angels, and he’s one of seven known players with identical career batting averages at home, on the road, versus left-handed pitchers, and versus right-handers.

Ron Blaizure, Gene Connell, Jerry Davie, Mike Farmer, Pete Hamm, and Alex McRae all did it, though none of them had more than 12 career at-bats.