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'Drawing Mike Trout every day until the lockout is over': How an MLB fan's tribute turned into an internet sensation

NEW YORK -- Three days into the MLB lockout, when New York Yankees fan Ray Sbarra checked Reddit for his baseball fix, he came up empty. So, with the lockout leaving the hot stove freezing cold and no end in sight, he decided to fill in the gap.

"I just figured, let me make a stupid little drawing of Mike Trout," said Sbarra, a 26-year-old former truck driver from Staten Island.

Sbarra -- whose art training begins and ends with elementary school -- picked up pen and paper and started drawing. As best he could, he created a picture of the Los Angeles Angels superstar making a diving catch and posted it on the r/baseball subreddit with the username "DidItForTheStory" and the title "Drawing Mike Trout every day until the lockout is over.