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'Teams are getting closer': Jamie Carragher warns Arsenal their Invincibles record has never been under greater threat... but admits Liverpool's effort this season 'shows how tough it is' to go unbeaten

Jamie Carragher believes Arsenal's 'Invincibles' record could soon be equalled by a Premier League side in the modern era.

The former Liverpool defender has frequently said that Arsene Wenger's 2003-04 side were toughest team he encountered over the course of his career as a player.

But after seeing Liverpool and Manchester City take unbeaten runs deep into recent campaigns, Carragher feels that another team will go the distance sooner or later.

Arsenal went through the whole 2003-04 Premier League season without losing a match
Jamie Carragher has often referred to that Gunners side as the hardest side he faced
But Carragher now believes that teams are getting close to matching Arsenal's achievement

But Carragher now believes that teams are getting close to matching Arsenal's achievement

In the 2019-20 campaign, Liverpool held an unbeaten run until a trip to Watford in February and last season, City's run lasted until January when they lost against Liverpool at Anfield.