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Steven Gerrard welcomes Jon Moss' upcoming retirement after calling out the referee's performance in Aston Villa's 2-1 defeat to Liverpool and claiming he 'hopes it's looked at'

Steven Gerrard did not mince his words in wishing referee Jon Moss a speedy retirement after calling out his performance in Tuesday night's 2-1 defeat to Liverpool.

A clearly irked Gerrard refused to be drawn into a direct criticism of Moss, instead repeating that he hoped the referee's performance 'is looked at' by the Premier League.

However the Villa boss' resolve broke at the very end of questioning, when a reporter at the press conference revealed to Gerrard that Moss was retiring at the end of the season.

Steven Gerrard (pictured) said Jon Moss retiring at the end of the season was a 'good' thing
Moss was in charge of Aston Villa's 2-1 loss to Liverpool

Steven Gerrard (left) said Jon Moss (right) retiring at the end of the season was a 'good' thing

'Is he?