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Sounds like a tough job! They are football's new conductors, picking from 40 noises to add atmosphere to fanless games, but should they be booing teams off?

It's 15 minutes to kick off in the match which will crown Liverpool's season and in a sound booth the size of a large broom cupboard in west London, sound engineer Adam Peri is making a final check on the buttons with which he will attempt to create the sense of a broiling, passionate, historic night at Anfield.

Each of the options - 'goal', 'miss', 'angry' and 'whistle' as well as 'clap', 'anticipation', 'home' and 'away' - are distinguishable by his own hand-written labels, though there's nothing homespun about the process of providing football's new soundtrack: 'audio augmentation' as they call it in the industry.