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Reds legends support Jeff Stelling's March for Men

The TV presenter embarked on the 400-mile trek earlier this month with the objective of raising awareness and funds to help beat prostate cancer – a disease which kills more than one man every hour in the UK.

Stelling’s route began in Exeter and will conclude in Newcastle next week, having taken in more than 40 clubs across a distance of 15 marathons, on behalf of Prostate Cancer UK.

Over 600 people – former footballers, pundits, fans, and men and women affected by prostate cancer – will march alongside Stelling during the gruelling challenge.

And on Wednesday’s leg of the journey, day six of 15 for the 62-year-old, those in support included Jamie Carragher, Robbie Fowler, Mark Lawrenson, Neil Mellor and Phil Thompson.