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Premier League's best and worst kits of the past 30 years, from instant classics to clashing catastrophes

There have been hundreds, nay, thousands of kits to grace the Premier League since the league's inception in 1992-93. Some have been good, some have been bad, some have faded from memory and some have simply been so downright diabolical that they are likely to be forever emblazoned in the mind's eye.

When it comes to design choices, Premier League fans have seen it all. In the constant quest for fresh inspiration, clubs have dabbled in everything from stripes and hoops; sashes and checks; camouflage and psychedelia; right through to paisley and faux animal print.

It's fair to say that results have been decidedly varied over the past three decades, so with that in mind, here's our pick of the 10 very best and the 10 very worst football kits to ever see the light of the day in the English top flight, from 1992 right up to the present day.