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PETE JENSON: Spanish fans' horror at dismal policing, stolen tickets and violent attacks by thugs at Champions League final - as one commentator insists 'tragedy' was only avoided because English fans behaved well

Real Madrid supporters have recounted the same horror stories from the Stade de France as their Liverpool counterparts, suggesting only the patience of fans prevented multiple deaths.

They have spoken of the same bottleneck security checkpoints at the outer security ring of the stadium with local thugs creating crushes so they could pickpocket fans, and police responding with arbitrary pepper-spraying.

There have also been claims there were no police at the turnstiles where thieves, who had jumped gates on the outer ring, were free to snatch tickets and enter the stadium.

Real Madrid supporters have recounted the same horror stories from the Stade de France as their Liverpool counterparts, suggesting only the patience of fans prevented multiple deaths
They have spoken of the same bottleneck security checkpoints with local thugs creating crushes so they could pickpocket fans, and police responding with arbitrary pepper-spraying

Speaking to Spain's Radio Cope, Gabriel Saez, the president of fitness company GO fit who was at the game with his wife and five children, said: 'We are lucky to be talking about Madrid's victory and not a tragedy.