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Liverpool hero Robbie Fowler keen on route into management but is aware he will have to start at the bottom: 'Hopefully people will see I'm serious'

Robbie Fowler is determined to become a manager rather than join the path to punditry but admits he will have to enter at a lower-league level.

The former Liverpool striker is entering the final stages of his UEFA Pro Licence course through the FA and has this week been at St George's Park.

Many of Fowler's peers have opted for post-playing careers on television instead of going into management, but the 41-year-old does not believe that would satisfy his love for the game.

Robbie Fowler retired from playing back in 2012 and is now plotting a route into management
Robbie Fowler retired from playing back in 2012 and is now plotting a route into management
He admits he likes a round of golf, but his long-term ambition is to get back into football
He admits he likes a round of golf, but his long-term ambition is to get back into football

Fowler said: 'You can do the TV studios, speak about football and it's good, and it keeps you involved, but nothing whets your appetite as much as being on a football pitch.