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Lille owner Gerard Lopez reveals Ligue 1 side have received 'multiple offers' for Nigerian star Victor Osimhen... but insists it will take a fee close to the £72million Arsenal stumped up for Nicolas Pepe last summer to sign him

Lille have already received multiple offers for striker Victor Osimhen this summer but it will take a fee close to the £72million Arsenal paid for Nicolas Pepe last summer to land him, insists owner Gerard Lopez.

The 21-year-old, who is described by club staff as the 'Rubix's cube' of the side because he is so difficult to figure out on the pitch, has been the star performer for the club this season, netting 18 goals in his debut campaign in Ligue 1 after joining from Belgian Pro League side Sporting Charleroi.

With interest from Tottenham, Liverpool and Arsenal as well as teams in Spain and Italy, Lopez expects to be inundated with offers for his prized asset - but he will not be forced to cash in on a cut-price deal amid the coronavirus crisis.