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KRIS COMMONS: This looks like start of the long goodbye for Steven Gerrard... he's interested in Newcastle as a stepping stone to Liverpool, and it WILL hurt Rangers

When the prospect of becoming the next Newcastle manager was put to Brendan Rodgers last week, he offered absolutely no scope for anyone to read between the lines.

He pointed out that he had a contract with Leicester until 2025, loved the job, considered himself fortunate to be in it and was 100-per-cent committed. Completely unambiguous.

His comments were so strong, in fact, that his name immediately fell out of every bookmaker's shortlist. Everyone now knows he's a non-runner in the race to replace Steve Bruce once the axe inevitably falls.

Compare and contrast that with Steven Gerrard's response to the same question: all that talk about him taking a 'keen interest' in events at St James' Park and how the Geordie fans 'deserved a break'.