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IAN HERBERT: The lesser-known plight of Bob Paisley is achingly sad... Alzheimer's robbed him of all memory of his Liverpool achievements - and now football's authorities must stop being complacent and make changes to help the generations that follow

What will it take, in 2021, to shake football's authorities from their complacency about the link between football and brain disease?

The struggles of Mike Sutton and Nobby Stiles, so powerfully chronicled by their sons, have certainly shifted the dial, though the lesser-known plight of an individual who preceded them both attests to how generations of professionals could have used a little help from the game they gave so much to.

Bob Paisley was best known as Liverpool's most successful manager, though before that as a player who took such grievous blows to the head on the field in the post-war years that some actually derived amusement from it.