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'However good you think he is, he is better': Alisson is the best in the world and it is a 'joy' to be in the same squad as him, says backup Andy Lonergan

Liverpool's backup goalkeeper Andy Lonergan hailed his team-mate Alisson, saying Jurgen Klopp's No.1 is even better than people may think.

The veteran goalkeeper, who turned 37 in October, dubbed Alisson as 'technically the best' in the world.

Having spent this season alongside the Brazilian in Liverpool's goalkeeping set-up, Lonergan claims it is his mentality and calmness that sets him apart from the rest, before admitting it 'a joy to be part of the squad that he's involved in.'

Liverpool keeper Andy Lonergan says Jurgen Klopp's No.1 Alisson is better than people think

'Me and Kirky [Chris Kirkland] speak about him with other goalkeepers, and I say "However good you think he is, he is better than that",' Lonergan explained on the latest edition of LFCTV's Legends in Lockdown.