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Frank Lampard 'proud' of Chelsea coronavirus effort while Spurs attract fury for furloughing staff

Frank Lampard has revealed his pride over Chelsea's proactive response in aiding the coronavirus effort.

The Blues have were quick to offer their support to NHS staff battling the virus, providing food from their Stamford Bridge restaurants and offering free accommodation at their on-site Millennium Hotel to hospital staff working nearby.

Additionally, club captain Cesar Azpilicueta has been involved with the Players Together initiative setup by Liverpool skipper Jordan Henderson, successfully getting his Blues charges on-board.

Frank Lampard has spoken of his pride over Chelsea's response to the coronavirus crisis

Frank Lampard has spoken of his pride over Chelsea's response to the coronavirus crisis

The Blues have made Stamford Bridge facilities available to NHS staff, providing free food

The Blues have made Stamford Bridge facilities available to NHS staff, providing free food

Their response far outperforms bitter rivals Spurs, who have been heavily criticised

Their response far outperforms bitter rivals Spurs, who have been heavily criticised

Chelsea's impressive response comes at odds with some of their rivals, as while both Manchester clubs have also contributed, the likes of Tottenham and West Ham have been criticised for their lack of response and furloughing of staff.