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Former paratrooper confronts conman ‘selling fake poppies' in Liverpool

A 'fraudulent' poppy seller is confronted by an ex-serviceman in this shocking video.

Colin Eastaway filmed the 'conman' selling poppy badges in Liverpool city centre and then allegedly pocketing the cash for himself yesterday afternoon.

At first glance the trader looks like he is selling the badges as part of the British Legion Poppy Appeal, which aims to raise funds for the Armed Forces community every November.

Former paratrooper Colin Eastaway confronted a 'fake poppy appeal salesman' (pictured) in Liverpool city centre
The trader wasu00a0allegedly pocketing the cash meant for the British Legion Poppy Appeal for himself

Former paratrooper Colin Eastaway confronted a 'fake poppy appeal salesman' (pictured) in Liverpool city centre.