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Extraordinary rap sheet of former Liverpool and Senegal winger El Hadji Diouf

The revelation of El Hadji Diouf's X-rated dressing room bust-up with Steven Gerrard during their Liverpool days really should come as little surprise.

The Senegal winger was hardly a shrinking violet, courting controversy with remarkable regularity before, during and after his time in England.

Diouf's feud with Gerrard, including a series of bizarre verbal attacks since his departure from Anfield in 2005, really is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ex-team-mates El-Hadji Diouf and Steven Gerrard had a long-standing dislike for each other
Diouf (left) squares up to his former Liverpool team-mate Jamie Carragher while at Bolton

Diouf (left) squares up to his former Liverpool team-mate Jamie Carragher while at Bolton

Now, Florent Sinama Pongolle has recalled the time the pair almost came to blows at half-time during a pre-season friendly, with Diouf asking then manager Gerard Houllier to tell Gerrard he'd 'f*** his mum' before adding: 'I'd do him in straight away.