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'Devastated' Jamie Carragher leads tributes to former Liverpool boss Gerard Houllier after his death at the age of 73, while 'heartbroken' Michael Owen speaks of 'a great manager and a genuinely caring man'

Jamie Carragher and Michael Owen led the tributes for French football manager Gerard Houllier, who has tragically passed away at the age of 73.

The former Liverpool boss, who guided the Reds to the FA Cup, League Cup and UEFA Cup treble in 2001, had a long history of medical problems.

Former Reds centre back Carragher, who played under Houllier for six years, said: 'Absolutely devastated by the news about Gerard Houllier, I was in touch with him only last month to arrange him coming to Liverpool.

'Loved that man to bits, he changed me as a person & as a player & got back winning trophies.