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Coleen Rooney's Style Story: How WAG went from a ruthlessly-mocked teen 'chav' with an insatiable (and pricey!) love for labels to Vogue cover girl with a perfect courtroom closet

Related Topics: Coleen Rooney, Wayne Rooney, Vogue

When Coleen McLoughlin met her future husband Wayne Rooney at the age of 12, she did not anticipate becoming one of the UK's most photographed women.

The duo began dating when they were 16 - fresh from the sporting ace's Everton signing - and the football world's youngest WAG soon became a tabloid favourite, with her conversation-sparking style choices hitting headlines.

In her early days of stardom, Coleen, 37, became famed for her Juicy Couture tracksuits, garish gowns and huge hair - making her a pioneer of the WAG look - however she was cruelly dubbed 'a chav' by vile critics.