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Leicester named as 2016 winner of ESPN's greatest sporting city in UK

Leicester has been ranked as UK's greatest sporting city in the UK for 2016, following research from ESPN and the University of Bath.

Very similar to the 2015-16 Premier League season, Leicester was followed in the rankings by Manchester in second and London trailing in third.

Leicester topped the table, just like their Premier League team did last year, after scoring highly in most of the 12 factors that fans identified was the key to a great sporting city.

Leicester City defied all the odds last season to win the Premier League titleu00a0
Leicester City defied all the odds last season to win the Premier League title
Leicester's victory parade attracted approximately 240,000 fans to the city centre
Leicester's victory parade attracted approximately 240,000 fans to the city centre

ESPN asked fans to rank 12 factors that go towards making a great sporting city, which would help provide weightings for each city's results.