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Leicester City players attend training but leave club cars at home

Leicester City may be at '60 per cent fitness' but the champions are preparing to open their Premier League title defence with the same hunger as ever.

Manager Claudio Ranieri has been leading training sessions at their Belvoir Drive base as he bids to get his team up to speed before Saturday's 12.30pm kick-off at Hull City.

But most of the Foxes appeared to have left their club-bought £105,000 BMW i8 supercars at home, with only a small group bucking the trend.

Only a few Leicester City players arrived at training in their club-bought BMWs on Friday
Only a few Leicester City players arrived at training in their club-bought BMWs on Friday
PFA Player of the Year Riyad Mahrez drove his silver Mercedes on the eve of the season
Mahrez and Co are preparing to open their title defence

PFA Player of the Year Riyad Mahrez drove his silver Mercedes on the eve of the season

Danny Drinkwater parked up his Bentley next to one of the gifted u00a3105,000 vehicles
Danny Drinkwater parked up his Bentley next to one of the gifted £105,000 vehicles
Jamie Vardy was another not to drive in the BMW car
Jamie Vardy was another not to drive in the BMW car, as was Marcin Wasilewski
Marcin Wasilewski drove to training on the eve of the season
Vardy drove his blue Bentley to the club's Belvoir Drive training ground on Friday
Vardy drove his blue Bentley to the club's Belvoir Drive training ground on Friday

A fleet of 19 protonic blue BMW I8s - which cost a total of £2million - were seen outside the club's King Power Stadium last week.