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Raiderdamus’ Friday Foretelling: Raiders vs. Chiefs

We are required to inform you that these Foretellings are works of satire and are not for the faint of heart. Due to their content they should not be read by anyone. Please enjoy at your own risk. -The Editor

Greetings, Raider Nation! It is I, the cream of the crop, the madness, and the man stuck unjustifiably in a position I’d rather not be in, the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time, Raiderdamus the Great and Powerful, oooh yeeeeahhh, dig it!

I come to you today fresh off a correct prediction of a Raider victory over the decrepit, pathetic, good-for-nothing Broncos, who came into Oakland a sorry, sad lot of losers and left in the very same state.