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Oakland Raiders: Carr’s Deal Is Huge, But It Doesn’t Mean He’s Overpaid

As they say – that certainly escalated quickly. The ink on Oakland Raiders quarterback Derek Carr‘s massive new contract extension wasn’t even dry yet, when opinion articles started flying almost too fast and too furious to keep up with.

Many, of course, applauded the new deal. But there have been a number of pieces highly critical of the amount of money being lavished upon Carr. With some of those pieces going so far as to say that Carr was overrated before, and is wildly overpaid now.

Five years, $125 million dollars – although he’s the highest paid player in the league right now (something that will likely not be the case for very long, given the market for quarterbacks) – Carr has less in guaranteed money than Andrew Luck who was the previous highest paid player in the NFL.