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DK Metcalf monster Combine kicks hype train full steam: Five reasons Raiders shouldn’t buy in at 4th overall pick

While the entire football landscape has fallen in love with the combine performance of “The Human Bat-suit” DeKaylin Metcalf, someone has to be “that guy” and today it is myself. Armed with what many will call a horrible opinion, consider me the devil’s advocate for today.

Metcalf has done very well for himself in Indianapolis, running a sizzling 4.33 second 40 yard dash. Body beautiful in every sense of the phrase he benched 27 reps of 225 pounds, stands at 6-foot-3 and 3/8” weighs 228 pounds and has an unimaginable 1.6% body fat percentage. Here are five reasons why the Raiders need to resist getting caught up in the hype of the combine politics and draft him with the #4 pick.