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Will There Be A New Division 1 School In Kentucky Soon?

According to a report from WDRB, Bellarmine University is exploring the possibility of moving up to NCAA Division I in all nine varsity sports.

Lacrosse is already competing at the Division I level.

Here are details:

Now, the discussions have turned to athletics. Bellarmine isn’t talking specifics. But two sources close to the university’s athletic programs say that the school is mulling a jump to the NCAA Division I level in all nine of its varsity sports (men’s lacrosse already competes at the D-I level).

John Spugnardi, Bellarmine’s director for athletic media relations, declined to comment on the topic, but provided a university response in anticipation of questions:

“In January 2018, Bellarmine began developing a new strategic plan to shape the university’s future,” the statement reads.