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Paintsville suspends athletic programs due to rising COVID-19 numbers

Related Topics: Paintsville, COVID-19, Johnson County

Paintsville has suspended athletic programs for the time being due to rising COVID-19 numbers in the area.

Principal Tiffany Austin said the move was made “following recommendations from public health, state guidelines, and out of an abundance of caution due to the rising cases in Paintsville and Johnson County.”

Paintsville’s athletic programs are suspended “following recommendations from public health, state guidelines, and out of an abundance of caution due to the rising cases in Paintsville and Johnson County,” principal Tiffany Austin said, until further notice.

— Zack Klemme (@zklemmeADI) August 9, 2020

Paintsville’s situation is the latest development in a weekend that seems to have fall sports in serious jeopardy of cancellation.