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Let’s overanalyze this tweet from Jaden McDaniels’ trainer

Photo via Endless Motor

We’re on high alert here at the KSR compound waiting to hear what Jaden McDaniels will do. It’s never wise to read too much into social media posts, but this tweet from McDaniels’ trainer Cartiea French-Toney hints that a decision could come soon:

How many of y’all about to unfollow me lol?

— Cartiea French-Toney (@MrYeahIKnow) May 15, 2019

Today is the final day of the signing period, but that doesn’t mean McDaniels has to make a decision now. He could drag this into the summer and just sign financial aid papers at the school of his choice whenever he wants; however, if he does announce today, it’s feeling more and more like it will be Washington.