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Kentucky Wildcats Morning Quickies: The Ancient History of 1-4 Edition

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the Big Blue Nation, and welcome to the Tuesday Morning Quickies.

So UK starts the season 1-4. The last time that happened, I was in the Navy, and brother, that was a looong time ago. I’ll wager a fair number of readers hadn’t reached the “itch in daddy’s pants” stage the last time we had to collectively suffer this ignominy.

To give you some idea of the world back then (for those who don’t know), comedian Eddie Murphy achieved stardom in Beverly Hills Cop, Ghostbusters (the original) came out, Karate Kid (the original) came out, the first Apple Macintosh (yes, that’s what “Mac” stands for) went on sale, the space shuttle Discovery took off on it’s maiden voyage, the first MTV Video Music Awards were held, UK and China signed the initial agreement to return Hong Kong to the mainland, and crack cocaine was first introduced to America.