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Former IU player says Bobby Knight broke a clipboard over his head, punched him, and grabbed his testicles

Related Topics: Bob Knight, Testicle, Todd Jadlow

Former Indiana coach Bobby Knight is known for his temper, but now, one of his former players is claiming the legendary coach abused him and his teammates physically and emotionally. Todd Jadlow, who played for Knight at IU from 1985-89, outlines the abuse in his new book, “Jadlow: On The Rebound,” which describes Jadlow’s descent into a life of drugs, alcohol, and family incarceration. In the book, Jadlow accuses Knight of punching him, breaking a clipboard over his head, and grabbing him by the testicles and squeezing. Yikes.

Jadlow says that Knight also made fun of Jadlow’s facial tic in front of the entire team and repeatedly called his teammate Daryl Thomas a “(bleeping) p—-,” made team managers wallpaper Thomas’ locker with pictures of female genitalia, and actually threw tampons at him during practice.