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Weekend Rumblings - News for February 23, 2019

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Weekend Rumblings - News for February 23, 2019

Goodwin reported to Arizona with 9 percent body fat. Asked if he remembered what it was before the offseason, Goodwin looked up from the folding chair in front of his locker, smiled and laughed while shaking his head.

“Yeah, I do. That’s like ingrained in the back of my head,” he replied.

Goodwin went into the offseason with 16 percent body fat. He’d committed that number to memory because it was so far from where he feels he should’ve been.

For an old-school manager like Yost, the data-driven analysis certainly isn’t his focus, but the Rapsodo is ever-present and the information it gathers will quickly become a part of the daily conversation for members of his coaching staff.