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Royals Review Radio: The get ready for the draft episode

Max Rieper, Shaun Newkirk, and Alex Duvall talk about the first week of the Nicky Lopez era plus they help get you ready for the draft with some talk about who the Royals might take with the #2 pick.

Among the topics we discuss:

How Nicky Lopez looked in his first week.

When will it be Bubba Starling time?

The terrific pitching and lousy hitting for the Wilmington Blue Rocks.

Who will the Royals take with the #2 pick and who should they take?

Here are links to some of the things we talked about:

You can also follow Max Rieper on Twitter at @maxrieper, Shaun Newkirk at @shauncore, and Alex Duvall at @duvy_013.