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Royals came back, beat White Sox three times? Enjoy the moment

After Sunday’s 5-4 win over the White Sox, a reporter joked that it was just another ho-hum, come-from-behind Royals victory. Manager Ned Yost said there was nothing ho-hum about it ... and that’s worth remembering.

Longtime Royals scout Art Stewart was coming into the Royals' clubhouse as reporters were leaving and announced that what we’d just seen had never been done before in team history: three comeback victories in a row where the Royals were down by two runs or more, seventh inning or later in months containing two syllables or less.

(OK, I made that last part up, and I’m only pretty sure I got the first three parts right, but the point is this: You don’t see this kind of baseball every day, so you ought to appreciate it when you do.