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No one can cast stones at Royals owner David Glass’ house any more

In a snapshot that would have rated as hallucinatory or fictitious a mere 13 months ago, Royals owner David Glass stood on the field at Kauffman Stadium late Friday night cradling under his left arm the William Harridge Trophy bestowed annually upon the American League champion.

Part of what still qualifies as surreal about the scene was how casually Glass held the trophy, the Royals’ second in a row after securing two in the first 45 years of their existence — and mostly inflicting pain and suffering on their fans in the span in between sets.

Along the often-humiliating way, mostly under Glass’ administration, there were 28 years without a postseason, four 100--plus loss seasons in five years and a parade of bloopers that made any Royals fan feel like the farce was with them.