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Ned Yost and the plight of the major-league red(bass): old-school against new-school

Most of the time, Royals manager Ned Yost appears to cherish time with the media the way most of us cherish time with our dentist. But ask him the right question and he doesn’t mind talking.

During a recent interview, a question about the baseball term red-(bass) got Yost rolling.

Red-(bass) is baseball slang for a guy with a temper. Yost said he wasn’t sure where the term originated, but freely admitted he used to be one. He then supplied a more elegant way of saying the same thing: “An ungracious out.”

Those are guys who make an out and then express their displeasure by testing the aerodynamic qualities of their helmet or seeing how many times they can whack a bat against a bat rack before one of them breaks.