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How will the Sinclair purchase of Fox Sports Kansas City affect the Royals?

Fox Sports Kansas City (FSKC) was created in 2008 to replace the ill-fated Royals Sports Television Network. For the last decade they have broadcast Royals games, showing both 100-loss seasons and the championship season of 2015.

In 2018, Disney agreed to a massive $71 billion purchase of 21st Century Fox assets including 20th Century Fox film and television studios and their intellectual properties (X-Men, The Simpsons, Deadpool), several cable channels such as FX and NatGeo (not the Fox network, Fox Sports Network, or Fox News), and 22 regional sports networks (RSNs), such as FSKC. However, concerns over a potential sports programming monpoly for Disney (which owns ESPN) caused the Department of Justice (DOJ) to require Disney sell off the RSNs as part of the deal.