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Interim Iowa AD Beth Goetz meets the media

Related Topics: Beth Goetz, Gary Barta

Beth Goetz met with the media Thursday afternoon for the first time as Iowa’s interim (and heir apparent, perhaps?) Athletic Director in the wake of Gary Barta’s retirement earlier this month.

It was an extremely newsworthy presser, not only because it was Goetz’s first, but due to everything going on in the world of Hawkeye sports, from gambling investigations to 25 points per game in the upcoming football season and more.

I for one, think Goetz did a great job, as you’ll see. What our own BoilerHawk mentioned in our Discord, however, struck an interesting chord with me: if you told me that these were all answers by Gary Barta, I’d believe you, but they wouldn’t have the same weight they have coming from a new voice.