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Hello Jerry Comment-Bag: Crusin’ the World

Happy Friday! I’m back in the States, just ate Taco Bell, crushed a large Mountain Dew and I’m all caught up on all of the football I taped while I was away. Let’s get cookin’!

Reader beware, there was only one question about Iowa and a whole lot of questions about cruisin’, CRUISIN’ THE WAHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHAHHHH, yeah, yeah!

How much weight did you gain (or lose!) while on your cruise?

As a big boned gentleman that has spent the majority of his post-college life downing pre-workout, lifting heavy, slamming whey protein and creatine post workout cocktails with an end goal of looking like a 9-5 version of Tom Hardy’s Bane, weighing myself isn’t really something I enjoy doing.