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FKF Elections: I have not entered into any coalition “of losers” - Nyamweya

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) Presidential aspirant Sam Nyamweya has rubbished reports he has merged into a coalition to help remove Nick Mwendwa from office.

On Tuesday, four presidential aspirants – Nicholas Musonye, Omondi Aduda, Sammy Sholei, and Twaha Mbarak – told a press conference they will likely form a strong team to remove incumbent Mwendwa from office when elections are held.

Nyamweya has now come out to dismiss the claims insisting he has no intention to be part of any coalition.

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“I wish to state for the record I have no intention now and even in the near future to be part of the coalition and any assertion of having been invited to the said meeting is a c**k-and-bull story intended to seek relevance by the said coalition,” Nyamweya said in a statement obtained by Goal.