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FA chief Greg Dyke says 'this is the end' for Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini

Football Association chairman Greg Dyke believes their eight-year bans mark the "end" for Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini.

The outgoing FIFA president and UEFA president Platini were on Monday both given the lengthy bans from all football activity for abusing their positions.

The punishments were imposed by FIFA's ethics judge Hans-Joachim Eckert for a "disloyal payment" of 2 million Swiss francs (£1.3m) made to Platini in 2011, signed off by Blatter.

Both will appeal the ruling, but FA chairman Dyke believes Blatter will struggle to bounce back from Monday's developments.

Asked if he had sympathy for the outgoing FIFA president, Dyke told BBC 5 Live: "For Blatter?