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Bwalya: Fifa ban hovers on return as Faz president

Kalusha Bwalya’s candidature to return as Football Association of Zambia (Faz) president is now held in suspense amid the backdrop of his conviction by Fifa two years ago.

Bwalya was banned for two years in 2018 by Fifa after being found guilty of "accepting illegal payments from former Asian football chief Mohammed bin Hammam."

But the 1988 African Footballer of the Year's ban was later on reduced to a CHF 10,000 fine.

Last week, Bwalya filed his papers to run for the Faz presidency against incumbent Andrew Kamanga, who dislodged him in 2016.

But his candidature has to go through the scrutiny of the Faz Ethics Committee, who might consider his Fifa conviction ahead of the March 2020 elections.