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'Aubameyang a mix of craziness and professionalism' - Schmelzer salutes Dortmund team-mate

The Gabon international striker has caused controversy at times this season, but his value to the collcetive cause is not lost on those around him

Borussia Dortmund captain Marcel Schmelzer has made it clear they are happy to forgive Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang for any crazy things he does because of his professional attitude.

Aubameyang recently caused controversy when he donned a mask resembling one from a Nike advertising campaign after scoring in the Revierderby against Schalke, angering kit sponsor Puma.

Schmelzer previously branded the celebration "stupid" but believes Aubameyang's dedication allows him some leeway.

"Of course, there are boundaries, but I quite like Aubameyang's mix of craziness and professionalism," Schmelzer told Kicker.