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Dear Jim Irsay, if there was a time for the Colts to tank, it is now

Dear Mr. Irsay,

I hope this letter finds you well. We have never met, but like so many others, I have followed the Colts for decades. Watching from afar, seeing the way you have tried to do right for the city of Indianapolis, for Colts fans, and the way your daughters have stepped up and been involved is amazing.

As a man who has a daughter, my only child, I can’t quite put into words how neat it is to see Carlie on the sidelines wearing a headset during games. It’s so good to see. I’ve been able to point her out to my daughter, and my daughter sees a strong, confident woman in a big blue skirt standing amongst dozens of massive male athletes, and to have that kind of role model at the highest level of my favorite team, makes me so proud.