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Ward Wins 2019 Orsborn Award

PEORIA, IL – On a night when Bradley Athletics honored the best of its best, senior runner Michael Ward (Cardiff, South Wales/Llanishen School) came away with the top prize as the 66th recipient of the Charles Orsborn Award, the most prestigious award Bradley University bestows upon a graduating student-athlete.

Named in honor of the former Bradley four-sport student-athlete, men's basketball coach and athletic director, the Charles Orsborn Award is presented annually to the graduating student-athlete who has best combined athletics and academics success with community service. Ward was selected for the 2019 Orsborn Award from a pool of six nominees, who also included men's golfer Drake Bushong, volleyball player Erica Haslag, women's golfer Frankie Saban, baseball player Andy Shadid and women's tennis player Malini Wijesinghe.