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Illini legends, lists and lore: Ex-Illini in WWII

Related Topics: Alex Agase, Basketball

On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember 53 men who not only earned varsity letters as University of Illinois athletes, but who, most significantly, also served in action during World War II:

Alex Agase, FB/WR
Ralph Bassey, FB
Frank Bauman, FB
Paul Behan, TF
Joseph Buscemi, FB
Tony Butkovich, FB
Lyle Button, FB
Arthur Dufelmeier, FB
Dwight Eddleman, FB/BK/TF
Lee Eilbracht, BB
Ray Florek, FB
Willard Franks, FB/TF
Thomas Gallagher, FB
Roy Gatewood, BK
John Genis, FB
Arthur Gerometta, FB
Fred Green, BK
Ray Grierson, FB
Donald Griffin, FB
Robert Hinkle, FB/TF
Frank Hurtte, FB
Donald Janssen, FB
John Kane, FB
Mike Kasap, FB
Herschel Kearney, FB
William Krall, FB
Eugene Kwasniewski, FB
Chuck Leistner, FB
Louis Levanti, FB/TF
John MacArthur, FB
Rudy Macchione, FB
Donald Maechtle, FB
John Martin, TF
Dominic Mattiazza, FB
Max Morris, FB
Ralph Palmer, FB
Alfred Parfitt, FB
Paul Patterson, FB/TF
Andy Phillip, BK/BB
Robert Prymuski, FB
Robert Ruther, TF
Julius Rykovich, FB/BB
Chester Sajnaj, FB
Matthew Smerdel, FB/WR
Charles Smith, FB
Rex Smith, FB
Ed “Jake” Staab, BK
Russell “Ruck” Steger, FB/BB
Emil Tomanek, FB
Eugene Vance, BK
Mac Wenskunas, FB
Robert Wilson, FB
Claude “Buddy” Young, FB/TF

Illini birthdays
Sunday: Daren McDonough, track and field (42)
Monday: Hope D’Addario, soccer (21)
Tuesday: Karisma Penn, basketball (25)
Wednesday: Michael Young, football (38)
Thursday: Bob Ligashesky, football coach (54)
Friday: Abe Jones, track and field (34)
Saturday: Brad Wentz, baseball (50)

By Mike Pearson, author of Illini Legends, Lists & Lore

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