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The Sound of Idaho celebrates 100 years this homecoming weekend, with a few surprises up their sleeve for Saturday

The band has grown to be an important factor in the performers’ lives, but also to those who listen. For some it’s a second family away from home and for others it’s a voice that is heard.

“We can impact other people we’ve never met just by being a part of the name, the vandal marching band,” senior Kathleen Cox said.

Vandal pride bleeds through the marching band.

From the directors, to the performers, to the audience, people are proud of the outcome on Saturdays.

“There’s something about being in full uniform and being with all these people that look the same as you that gives you liberties to act like a crazy person and be able to have so much fun without worrying about what are people thinking,” senior alto saxophone player Krystal Mullins said.