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Watch: Battle Red Blog’s 2021 Season Review Megacast

The 2021 Houston Texans season brought us a long list of classic moments: WE DON’T NEED DESHAUN WATSON, a casper screen touchdown to Phillip Lindsay, David Mills almost dying in Cleveland, Mills pulling off three complicated throws v. New England, the FAKE-FAKE PUNT, Houston forcing five turnovers and losing against Miami, Tyrod Taylor’s interception throwing the ball away, David Culley declining a penalty just to punt, Phillip Lindsay bouncing every run wide, the rainy messy four takeaway win in Nashville that included a Kamu Gruiger-Hill near pick six, the STUPOR BOWL, Rex Burkhead’s heroic day against Los Angeles (C) to stave Houston away from being the worst run offense in NFL history, the STUPOR BOWL, and Mills operating from the spread and feeding Danny Amendola to almost take down the Titans in week 18.